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Audio Descriptions for Georgia Goes to War
This project includes audio descriptive text, a screen reader document for the educational module that accompanies the exhibition, and audio recordings of the descriptions for each section of the exhibition.
Tags: accessibility, World War II
Hilbert Margol Georgia Journeys Exhibit
This online exhibit follows the life experience of Hilbert Margol, a veteran of the European Theater and liberator of Dachau during World War II.
Tags: Concentration Camps, Europe, Veterans, World War II
Melvin Price Georgia Journeys Exhibit
This online exhibit follows the life experience of Mel Price, a veteran of the Pacific Theater during World War II.
Tags: Pacific Theater, Veterans, World War II
Anna Boone Georgia Journeys Exhibit
This online exhibit follows the life experience of Anna Boon who spent time as a civilian POW in Indonesia during World War II.
Tags: Asia, Prisoners of War, World War II
Judy Coker Benowitz Georgia Journeys Exhibit
This online exhibit follows the World War II experiences of a long-time Georgia family.
Tags: Soldiers, Veterans, World War II
Faye Edwards Georgia Journeys Exhibit
This online exhibit follows the life experience of Faye Edwards, who served in the WAAC during World War II and trained at Fort Oglethorpe in Georgia.
The Civil Rights Movement: Half a Century of Marching
This educational module explores the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. The unit details and explains the different organizations formed, the actions taken by them, and their results. This module will cover events, individuals, and groups…
Grace Thorpe Georgia Journeys Exhibit
This online exhibit follows the life experience of Grace Thorpe, an American Indian activist who served in the WAC during World War II and trained at Fort Oglethorpe in Georgia.
Tags: Activism, American Indians, Veterans, World War II
Combat Photography in America: From the Beginning to World War II
This digital exhibit explores the historical development of combat photography from its inception to the end of World War II. The exhibit includes questions to consider along the way.
Tags: Journalists, Soldiers, war, World War I, World War II
Han Van Driel Georgia Journeys Exhibit
This online exhibit follows the life experience of Hank Van Driel, a Georgia resident who was a child in the Netherlands during the Nazi occupation between 1940 and 1945.
Tags: Children, Europe, Food, Nazi Party, Occupation, World War II
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Youth in Crisis: Children in the Holocaust

This educational module explores the experiences of children during the Holocaust. Through a diverse selection of primary sources, this module tells…